Exscript.util.match module

Shorthands for regular expression matching.

Exscript.util.match.any_match(string, regex, flags=8)[source]

Matches the given string against the given regex.

  • If no match is found, this function returns an empty list.
  • If a match is found and the regular expression has no groups, a list of matching lines returned.
  • If a match is found and the regular expression has one group, a list of matching strings is returned.
  • If a match is found and the regular expression has multiple groups, a list containing tuples of matching strings is returned.

This behavior ensures that the following can never fail:

foo = '1 uno\n2 due'
for m in any_match(foo, r'aaa'):         # Returns []

for m in any_match(foo, r'\S+'):         # Returns ['1 uno', '2 due']

for m in any_match(foo, r'(aaa)'):       # Returns []

for m in any_match(foo, r'(\S+)'):       # Returns ['1', '2']

for one, two in any_match(foo, r'(aaa) (\S+)'): # Returns []

for one, two in any_match(foo, r'(\S+) (\S+)'): # Returns [('1', 'uno'), ('2', 'due')]
  • string (string|Exscript.protocols.Protocol) – The string that is matched, or a Protocol object.
  • regex (string) – A regular expression.
  • flags (int) – The flags for compiling the regex; e.g. re.I
Return type:



A list of strings, or a list of tuples.

Exscript.util.match.first_match(string, regex, flags=8)[source]

Matches the given string against the given regex.

  • If no match is found and the regular expression has zero or one groups, this function returns None.
  • If no match is found and the regular expression has more than one group, this function returns a tuple of None. The number of elements in the tuple equals the number of groups in the regular expression.
  • If a match is found and the regular expression has no groups, the entire string is returned.
  • If a match is found and the regular expression has one group, the matching string from the group is returned.
  • If a match is found and the regular expression has multiple groups, a tuple containing the matching strings from the groups is returned.

This behavior ensures that the following assignments can never fail:

foo   = 'my test'
match = first_match(foo, r'aaa')         # Returns None
match = first_match(foo, r'\S+')         # Returns 'my test'
match = first_match(foo, r'(aaa)')       # Returns None
match = first_match(foo, r'(\S+)')       # Returns 'my'
match = first_match(foo, r'(aaa) (\S+)') # Returns (None, None)
match = first_match(foo, r'(\S+) (\S+)') # Returns ('my', 'foo')
  • string (string|Exscript.protocols.Protocol) – The string that is matched, or a Protocol object.
  • regex (string) – A regular expression.
  • flags (int) – The flags for compiling the regex; e.g. re.I
Return type:



A match, or a tuple of matches.