Source code for Exscript.account

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# The MIT License (MIT)
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Manages user accounts.
from builtins import object
import multiprocessing
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from .util.cast import to_list
from .util.event import Event
from .util.impl import Context

[docs]class Account(object): """ This class represents a user account. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, password='', password2=None, key=None, needs_lock=True): """ Constructor. The authorization password is only required on hosts that separate the authentication from the authorization procedure. If an authorization password is not given, it defaults to the same value as the authentication password. If the `needs_lock` argument is set to True, we ensure that no two threads can use the same account at the same time. You will want to use this setting if you are using a central authentication server that allows for only one login to happen at a time. Note that you will still be able to open multiple sessions at the time. It is only the authentication procedure that will not happen in parallel; once the login is complete, other threads can use the account again. In other words, the account is only locked during calls to :meth:`protocols.Protocol.login` and the `*authenticate*` methods. .. warning:: Setting `lock` to True drastically degrades performance! :type name: str :param name: A username. :type password: str :param password: The authentication password. :type password2: str :param password2: The authorization password, if required. :type key: Exscript.PrivateKey :param key: A private key, if required. :type needs_lock: bool :param needs_lock: True if the account will be locked during login. """ self.acquired_event = Event() self.released_event = Event() self.changed_event = Event() = name self.password = password self.authorization_password = password2 self.key = key self.synclock = multiprocessing.Condition(multiprocessing.Lock()) self.lock = multiprocessing.Lock() self.needs_lock = needs_lock
def __enter__(self): if self.needs_lock: self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, thetype, value, traceback): if self.needs_lock: self.release()
[docs] def context(self): """ When you need a 'with' context for an already-acquired account. """ return Context(self)
[docs] def acquire(self, signal=True): """ Locks the account. Method has no effect if the constructor argument `needs_lock` wsa set to False. :type signal: bool :param signal: Whether to emit the acquired_event signal. """ if not self.needs_lock: return with self.synclock: while not self.lock.acquire(False): self.synclock.wait() if signal: self.acquired_event(self) self.synclock.notify_all()
[docs] def release(self, signal=True): """ Unlocks the account. Method has no effect if the constructor argument `needs_lock` wsa set to False. :type signal: bool :param signal: Whether to emit the released_event signal. """ if not self.needs_lock: return with self.synclock: self.lock.release() if signal: self.released_event(self) self.synclock.notify_all()
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ Changes the name of the account. :type name: string :param name: The account name. """ = name self.changed_event.emit(self)
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Returns the name of the account. :rtype: string :return: The account name. """ return
[docs] def set_password(self, password): """ Changes the password of the account. :type password: string :param password: The account password. """ self.password = password self.changed_event.emit(self)
[docs] def get_password(self): """ Returns the password of the account. :rtype: string :return: The account password. """ return self.password
[docs] def set_authorization_password(self, password): """ Changes the authorization password of the account. :type password: string :param password: The new authorization password. """ self.authorization_password = password self.changed_event.emit(self)
[docs] def get_authorization_password(self): """ Returns the authorization password of the account. :rtype: string :return: The account password. """ return self.authorization_password or self.password
[docs] def get_key(self): """ Returns the key of the account, if any. :rtype: Exscript.PrivateKey|None :return: A key object. """ return self.key
[docs]class AccountProxy(object): """ An object that has a 1:1 relation to an account object in another process. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): """ Constructor. :type parent: multiprocessing.Connection :param parent: A pipe to the associated account manager. """ self.parent = parent self.account_hash = None = None self.user = None self.password = None self.authorization_password = None self.key = None
[docs] @staticmethod def for_host(parent, host): """ Returns a new AccountProxy that has an account acquired. The account is chosen based on what the connected AccountManager selects for the given host. """ account = AccountProxy(parent) = host if account.acquire(): return account return None
[docs] @staticmethod def for_account_hash(parent, account_hash): """ Returns a new AccountProxy that acquires the account with the given hash, if such an account is known to the account manager. It is an error if the account manager does not have such an account. """ account = AccountProxy(parent) account.account_hash = account_hash if account.acquire(): return account return None
[docs] @staticmethod def for_random_account(parent): """ Returns a new AccountProxy that has an account acquired. The account is chosen by the connected AccountManager. """ account = AccountProxy(parent) if account.acquire(): return account return None
def __hash__(self): """ Returns the hash of the currently acquired account. """ return self.account_hash def __enter__(self): """ Like :class:`acquire()`. """ return self.acquire() def __exit__(self, thetype, value, traceback): """ Like :class:`release()`. """ return self.release()
[docs] def context(self): """ When you need a 'with' context for an already-acquired account. """ return Context(self)
[docs] def acquire(self): """ Locks the account. Returns True on success, False if the account is thread-local and must not be locked. """ if self.parent.send(('acquire-account-for-host', elif self.account_hash: self.parent.send(('acquire-account-from-hash', self.account_hash)) else: self.parent.send(('acquire-account')) response = self.parent.recv() if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response if response is None: return False self.account_hash, \ self.user, \ self.password, \ self.authorization_password, \ self.key = response return True
[docs] def release(self): """ Unlocks the account. """ self.parent.send(('release-account', self.account_hash)) response = self.parent.recv() if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response if response != 'ok': raise ValueError('unexpected response: ' + repr(response))
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Returns the name of the account. :rtype: string :return: The account name. """ return self.user
[docs] def get_password(self): """ Returns the password of the account. :rtype: string :return: The account password. """ return self.password
[docs] def get_authorization_password(self): """ Returns the authorization password of the account. :rtype: string :return: The account password. """ return self.authorization_password or self.password
[docs] def get_key(self): """ Returns the key of the account, if any. :rtype: Exscript.PrivateKey|None :return: A key object. """ return self.key
[docs]class LoggerProxy(object): """ An object that has a 1:1 relation to a Logger object in another process. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, logger_id): """ Constructor. :type parent: multiprocessing.Connection :param parent: A pipe to the associated pipe handler. """ self.parent = parent self.logger_id = logger_id
[docs] def add_log(self, job_id, name, attempt): self.parent.send(('log-add', (self.logger_id, job_id, name, attempt))) response = self.parent.recv() if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response return response
[docs] def log(self, job_id, message): self.parent.send(('log-message', (self.logger_id, job_id, message)))
[docs] def log_aborted(self, job_id, exc_info): self.parent.send(('log-aborted', (self.logger_id, job_id, exc_info)))
[docs] def log_succeeded(self, job_id): self.parent.send(('log-succeeded', (self.logger_id, job_id)))
[docs]class AccountPool(object): """ This class manages a collection of available accounts. """
[docs] def __init__(self, accounts=None): """ Constructor. :type accounts: Account|list[Account] :param accounts: Passed to add_account() """ self.accounts = set() self.unlocked_accounts = deque() self.owner2account = defaultdict(list) self.account2owner = dict() self.unlock_cond = multiprocessing.Condition(multiprocessing.RLock()) if accounts: self.add_account(accounts)
def _on_account_acquired(self, account): with self.unlock_cond: if account not in self.accounts: msg = 'attempt to acquire unknown account %s' % account raise Exception(msg) if account not in self.unlocked_accounts: raise Exception('account %s is already locked' % account) self.unlocked_accounts.remove(account) self.unlock_cond.notify_all() return account def _on_account_released(self, account): with self.unlock_cond: if account not in self.accounts: msg = 'attempt to acquire unknown account %s' % account raise Exception(msg) if account in self.unlocked_accounts: raise Exception('account %s should be locked' % account) self.unlocked_accounts.append(account) owner = self.account2owner.get(account) if owner is not None: self.account2owner.pop(account) self.owner2account[owner].remove(account) self.unlock_cond.notify_all() return account
[docs] def get_account_from_hash(self, account_hash): """ Returns the account with the given hash, or None if no such account is included in the account pool. """ for account in self.accounts: if account.__hash__() == account_hash: return account return None
[docs] def has_account(self, account): """ Returns True if the given account exists in the pool, returns False otherwise. :type account: Account :param account: The account object. """ return account in self.accounts
[docs] def add_account(self, accounts): """ Adds one or more account instances to the pool. :type accounts: Account|list[Account] :param accounts: The account to be added. """ with self.unlock_cond: for account in to_list(accounts): account.acquired_event.listen(self._on_account_acquired) account.released_event.listen(self._on_account_released) self.accounts.add(account) self.unlocked_accounts.append(account) self.unlock_cond.notify_all()
def _remove_account(self, accounts): """ :type accounts: Account|list[Account] :param accounts: The accounts to be removed. """ for account in to_list(accounts): if account not in self.accounts: msg = 'attempt to remove unknown account %s' % account raise Exception(msg) if account not in self.unlocked_accounts: raise Exception('account %s should be unlocked' % account) account.acquired_event.disconnect(self._on_account_acquired) account.released_event.disconnect(self._on_account_released) self.accounts.remove(account) self.unlocked_accounts.remove(account)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Removes all accounts. """ with self.unlock_cond: for owner in self.owner2account: self.release_accounts(owner) self._remove_account(self.accounts.copy()) self.unlock_cond.notify_all()
[docs] def get_account_from_name(self, name): """ Returns the account with the given name. :type name: string :param name: The name of the account. """ for account in self.accounts: if account.get_name() == name: return account return None
[docs] def n_accounts(self): """ Returns the number of accounts that are currently in the pool. """ return len(self.accounts)
[docs] def acquire_account(self, account=None, owner=None): """ Waits until an account becomes available, then locks and returns it. If an account is not passed, the next available account is returned. :type account: Account :param account: The account to be acquired, or None. :type owner: object :param owner: An optional descriptor for the owner. :rtype: :class:`Account` :return: The account that was acquired. """ with self.unlock_cond: if len(self.accounts) == 0: raise ValueError('account pool is empty') if account: # Specific account requested. while account not in self.unlocked_accounts: self.unlock_cond.wait() self.unlocked_accounts.remove(account) else: # Else take the next available one. while len(self.unlocked_accounts) == 0: self.unlock_cond.wait() account = self.unlocked_accounts.popleft() if owner is not None: self.owner2account[owner].append(account) self.account2owner[account] = owner account.acquire(False) self.unlock_cond.notify_all() return account
[docs] def release_accounts(self, owner): """ Releases all accounts that were acquired by the given owner. :type owner: object :param owner: The owner descriptor as passed to acquire_account(). """ with self.unlock_cond: for account in self.owner2account[owner]: self.account2owner.pop(account) account.release(False) self.unlocked_accounts.append(account) self.owner2account.pop(owner) self.unlock_cond.notify_all()
[docs]class AccountManager(object): """ Keeps track of available user accounts and assigns them to the worker threads. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ self.default_pool = None self.pools = None self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Removes all account pools. """ self.default_pool = AccountPool() self.pools = []
[docs] def add_pool(self, pool, match=None): """ Adds a new account pool. If the given match argument is None, the pool the default pool. Otherwise, the match argument is a callback function that is invoked to decide whether or not the given pool should be used for a host. When Exscript logs into a host, the account is chosen in the following order: # Exscript checks whether an account was attached to the :class:`Host` object using :class:`Host.set_account()`), and uses that. # If the :class:`Host` has no account attached, Exscript walks through all pools that were passed to :class:`Queue.add_account_pool()`. For each pool, it passes the :class:`Host` to the function in the given match argument. If the return value is True, the account pool is used to acquire an account. (Accounts within each pool are taken in a round-robin fashion.) # If no matching account pool is found, an account is taken from the default account pool. # Finally, if all that fails and the default account pool contains no accounts, an error is raised. Example usage:: def do_nothing(conn): conn.autoinit() def use_this_pool(host): return host.get_name().startswith('foo') default_pool = AccountPool() default_pool.add_account(Account('default-user', 'password')) other_pool = AccountPool() other_pool.add_account(Account('user', 'password')) queue = Queue() queue.account_manager.add_pool(default_pool) queue.account_manager.add_pool(other_pool, use_this_pool) host = Host('localhost'), do_nothing) In the example code, the host has no account attached. As a result, the queue checks whether use_this_pool() returns True. Because the hostname does not start with 'foo', the function returns False, and Exscript takes the 'default-user' account from the default pool. :type pool: AccountPool :param pool: The account pool that is added. :type match: callable :param match: A callback to check if the pool should be used. """ if match is None: self.default_pool = pool else: self.pools.append((match, pool))
[docs] def add_account(self, account): """ Adds the given account to the default account pool that Exscript uses to log into all hosts that have no specific :class:`Account` attached. :type account: Account :param account: The account that is added. """ self.default_pool.add_account(account)
[docs] def get_account_from_hash(self, account_hash): """ Returns the account with the given hash, if it is contained in any of the pools. Returns None otherwise. :type account_hash: str :param account_hash: The hash of an account object. """ for _, pool in self.pools: account = pool.get_account_from_hash(account_hash) if account is not None: return account return self.default_pool.get_account_from_hash(account_hash)
[docs] def acquire_account(self, account=None, owner=None): """ Acquires the given account. If no account is given, one is chosen from the default pool. :type account: Account :param account: The account that is added. :type owner: object :param owner: An optional descriptor for the owner. :rtype: :class:`Account` :return: The account that was acquired. """ if account is not None: for _, pool in self.pools: if pool.has_account(account): return pool.acquire_account(account, owner) if not self.default_pool.has_account(account): # The account is not in any pool. account.acquire() return account return self.default_pool.acquire_account(account, owner)
[docs] def acquire_account_for(self, host, owner=None): """ Acquires an account for the given host and returns it. The host is passed to each of the match functions that were passed in when adding the pool. The first pool for which the match function returns True is chosen to assign an account. :type host: :class:`Host` :param host: The host for which an account is acquired. :type owner: object :param owner: An optional descriptor for the owner. :rtype: :class:`Account` :return: The account that was acquired. """ # Check whether a matching account pool exists. for match, pool in self.pools: if match(host) is True: return pool.acquire_account(owner=owner) # Else, choose an account from the default account pool. return self.default_pool.acquire_account(owner=owner)
[docs] def release_accounts(self, owner): """ Releases all accounts that were acquired by the given owner. :type owner: object :param owner: The owner descriptor as passed to acquire_account(). """ for _, pool in self.pools: pool.release_accounts(owner) self.default_pool.release_accounts(owner)